Friday, May 5, 2017

Ways to End the School Year Successfully | by Samantha Patino

As we approach the end of the school year, stress levels always seem to increase among students.  Everyone constantly worries about their final grades, AP tests, and final exams.  Throughout the year everything seems to become more difficult and as a result, many students feel the weight of stress pulling them down.  Below are some ways to help cope with stress and be better prepared for exams and other schoolwork.  

Set goals:  Whether it's to finish the year off with straight A’s or getting a 4.0 on the AP test, make sure that you have something to work for.  Knowing your goals and what you want to get out of all of the hard work you have been doing will help to keep you motivated to finish off the year strong.   

Don’t wait until the last minute to study:  Make sure that you set time aside to study before the last night before a test.  If you have been studying for at least a couple of days before you take a test all of the information will seem more manageable than waiting until the night before.  Studying in advance will also help you to fully absorb all of the information.  As you get closer to the test date, remember to review concepts that confuse you.  Since you are leaving a good amount of time to study before the test, you will have time to go and ask your teacher for help on things that are hard to understand.       

Take breaks:  In between studying and finishing all other homework, set aside 10-30 minutes to do something other than staring at your computer or the pile of papers stacked in front of you.  During these breaks, try to do something that is productive or makes you happy, whether its getting everything ready for the next day or watching TV.  Knowing that you will be able to do things other than homework soon, will keep you motivated to get through everything that you have to do.  

Get outside:  Change your everyday schedule by taking advantage of the nice weather and finishing up homework outside.  Going outside to do some sort of physical activity can also help you to destress.

Stay organized:  Since the end of the year is nearing it’s easy to forget assignments and lose the organization that you had in the beginning of the year.  Use a planner or calendar to help keep your school assignments, studying, and other activities organized.  



  1. Great advice! I think staying organized and getting outside are the most important! Sometimes you need to step away and clear your mind! ~ Mrs. Kopp
