Friday, May 26, 2017

"Fire" by Lomaani Ranasinghe

In your eyes there was fire
burning bright it was
I remember looking the first time
upon first glance it was a galaxy of stars
it wasn't long until it belonged to my universe

In your eyes there was fire
a fire that had grown each and every time i looked into them
a fire that i believed would never die

In your eyes there was fire
but one day
it just wasn't of the same kind
it had died down
in the dimmed darkness
i only saw loneliness and loss
in the faded darkness all i could see
was a reflection
of none other than

In your eyes there is no fire
and no matter how hard i try
there's nothing i recognize
what was once a galaxy of stars has evanesced
leaving me blindly searching for a fire
i wish i hadn't burn out

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