Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Journey Journal - Josie Embleton

      In English class, we've been assigned to write a Journey Journal, where we try something new or try to improve something about ourselves and write about our experience in doing so. So far, I believe this is a beneficial assignment that helps us grow as people and discover new things about ourselves. For my journal, I'll be writing about trying new exercises with my horse every day and trying to get those exercises perfect. This journal doesn't feel as horrible and pointless as other schoolwork such as an essay. This assignment feels like something that can actually help me improve on something I want to get better at. I like that rather than being a boring typical school assignment that seems to have no other purpose than causing stress, this allows me to see how to use my work outside of the classroom, not to mention this journey doesn't feel like work because I enjoy going over my ride and finding more things to work on with my horse. Overall, the Journey Journal is one of the most enjoyable and interesting assignments I've done this year and I hope to see more like it.

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