Friday, May 26, 2017

Reflection by Sylvia Kloian

This is a poem that I wrote that follows Shakespeare's iambic pentameter.

I have a friend who does not like mirrors.
A curious thing, as that's where she lives
And though her reflection couldn't be clearer
She still doesn't see all the light that she gives.

But I think you're beautiful. Is that not
Enough? Can you not see you already
have all of the attributes that you sought?
So no need to keep yearning, stay steady.

Your eyes, brighter than any happy thought,
with a passion that's not easily found
You have strong armor that cannot be bought
And your words have meaning that will resound.

You have worth, use, you stand tall with pride
That's what one sees looking from the outside. 
Image result for someone looking in the mirror

1 comment:

  1. Excellent and I like that you took a chance at iambic pentameter! ~ Mrs. Kopp
