Wednesday, May 31, 2017


by Nuriel Rozenberg

Another day, another week, another month, another year. The school year is almost over and you know what that means summer! Oh, do I love staying up until 4 am and it not be a consequence because I have nowhere to be the next morning. It feels great to sit there at abnormal hours of the morning binge watching your favorite shows and being able to watch the next episode, especially when left on a cliff hanger. Of course, you can't stay up that late and not have a midnight snack, it really makes all the difference in staying up. I do love staying up with friends really late at night, sitting under the stars, and roasting marshmallows. Nothing says summer like a good s'more. There is really something peaceful about being awake that late at night and not hearing cars or your neighbors. No school means no stress which makes everything better.
Going to the beach is pretty great too. Hearing the waves crash onto the shore as the sun beats down on you. It's pretty amazing. You come back all tan and pretty, even though there is sand in places sand should never be. Summer is when everyone takes trips, too. Everyone travels and goes to all these cool places. For example, this summer I am going to Israel for almost 6 weeks by myself. I'm very excited for the adventure and to go out. Life is different there, it is more lively. I get to try new foods and tour the country, which will be very fun.
This year went by pretty quick. I mostly enjoyed it and I have memories from this year that I will probably never forget. Although I'm sad to be leaving my friends, I know that we will talk almost every day and see each other all the time once school starts again next

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