Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Battle For Magic Excerpt (Part 2 -- Still Fairly Old) - William Theilacker

When I woke up I was no longer in the grassy fields of my village but in a vast desert. The sand was all over me and I felt itchy . How had I gotten to this desert and how long had I been here? Then I found the answer curled up in a feathery ball next to me. “Fal why in the name of merlin’s beard did you bring me here? I’m going to entomb you in lava and let it harden you unforgivable beast!” I screamed at Fal. Then I remembered the events of yesterday and how sad Fal had been. The loss of his son had severely damaged his spirit. My thoughts were rudely interrupted when Fal’s strong claws grabbed the back of my shirt. He took off suddenly and the ground rushed by beneath me. I began to feel nausea after a little while because I wasn’t used to riding with Fal this way. After what I think was ten minutes Fal jerked to the side and I looked up to see what was wrong. It was a Burlick, they were very territorial and we must have crossed into it’s territory. It slammed into us again and I felt Fal’s grip loosen. A ram that came from behind surprised Fal and he let go of the back of my shirt. I felt my life flash before my eyes as I was falling. Then the reassuring grip of Fal’s talons on my shirt stopped my descent. As the Burlick  charged again Fal swung his free talon and snapped it’s left wing. The sound of the sickening crunch as it’s wing snapped echoed through my mind as I watched the creature spiral down to the sandy ground. Fal took no notice in the dying creature and just kept flying. It was then when I began to wonder where Fal was taking me. As the air numbed my face I began to ponder my question.
After what felt like an hour I had my answer. Fal was taking me to his son’s birthplace to see if I could use his son’s magic eggshell to locate him. Since I finally knew where I was going I relaxed and watched the mounds of sand pass under me. Fal circled three times over the top of a mountain that touched the clouds and then landed as soft as a feather would. I hopped off his immense back  already knowing what I had to do. My pulse was thrumming in my head as loud as thunder. As soon as I touched Fal’s son’s eggshell warmth flooded through me starting in my hand that was touching the eggshell. I suddenly felt very happy and let out a little laugh. Fal took this as an insult and charged at me. In defense I held up his son’s eggshell and he stopped in his tracks. He knew that the eggshell was his only chance to find his son. Then  he realized that I was the only one who could use it and started to back away. “Dershin” I whispered to the eggshell. The egg shell suddenly  flashed a violent purple color and an image of Fal’s son appeared on the flat side of the eggshell. He was in the same cell that I had saw in my dream where I was Fal’s son. I saw the same man that I had seen whip Fal’s son repeatedly with some sort of laser whip. After three slashes to his back Fal’s son said something in bird. The strange man cried out, “I don’t care if your name is Daf, tell me where the stone of magic is. Daf got whipped twenty more times but didn’t say another word. The image flickered and then vanished with a pop. The name of the city that Daf was trapped in was called Rinso. One of the least important towns in our region. I turned around and told Fal where his son was. Right after the words left my mouth he lower his majestic back so that I could climb onto it. As we flew through the chilly air I wondered who was that man and what was the stone of magic?

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