Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Time by Melissa La Fountain

“What if the clocks get so large,
That they cascade over every thought?” she asks.
Could we use the tattered string
In the craft room drawer
To pull the hands back a few hours
So that we could enjoy the time
Rather than dwelling on it?

We’ll pluck each clover from the ground
Four leafed or three
Just because they are nice
Not because we need luck
We will use the wind to
Let our hair fly back
Setting loose whispers of
“I’ve never felt so free,
Just watching time go by.”
We’ll write our names on the trees

What if time never stops?
We’ll keep moving with it
Taking every bend and turn
Going with the flow
Riding with it

My friends like to think about time
By measuring how little may be left
We live in a ticking place, but treat it as if
The clock has been broken for years

I tell them to take off their watches
To pick some clovers
To let the wind play with their hair
As it does with mine
I give them a pen
To write their names on the trees
“What if the time is up soon?” they worry
Then it will all be over
And you will have spent so much time
Watching for the end
That you have forgotten

To appreciate the beginning

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