In my past academic years, especially last year, I’ve realized something about myself. I was CONSTANTLY complaining, mentally judging people, bringing myself down, and spouting negativity into the world. Finals for me last year included an abundance of mental breakdowns and stressful anxiety attacks. At the start of my sophomore year, I made the decision to change this. I didn't want to be stressed out all the time. I made a decision to try my best to stop complaining, stop judging, and to be a pleasant person who people want to spend time with. It was a struggle at first. When something irritating happens, usually your first instinct is to go rant about it to your friends. I’ve realized that the only impact this has is that it spreads negativity. That is not to say that you can’t discuss your problems, but I found it better to do it in a calm way, and always look at the positive side of it. Over time, this optimism became a habit, and the habit turned into a lifestyle. Now, I like to think of myself as a generally positive and happy person, and I hope others think that of me too.
Optimism has a massive impact on people, both mentally and physically. It decreases stress, lowers rates of depression, increases cardiovascular health, and can even increase your overall lifespan. For me personally, it has reduced my stress, increased my self-esteem, and definitely has made me a happier person.
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