Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Five Foolproof Ways to Not Fail Finals | By: Pat McGurrin

Finals are quickly approaching, and many have not started studying, or they just don't know how to. Many people obsess over their exams, by either making huge study guides, or by studying for hours on end; that's all so unnecessary. The guide below outlines my study methods. If followed diligently, I guarantee that you'll save yourself time and from stress.

  • Talk to a Teacher or a Friend
    • No matter how much we study, sometimes there are concepts that we still don't understand. Instead of trying to reteach yourself that thing you learned a few months back, ask a teacher or a friend to try to explain it in a new way.
    • Review Topics You Already Know
      • No matter how much you think you might know them, it is always a good idea to review the topics you already know. When you skip over topics you think you know well, you may oversee small details or connections to be made with other topics.
    • Take Regular Breaks
      • After each topic or chapter you may be studying, get something to eat, or go outside. It is important to pace yourself when you study, as you may miss things if you go too fast. You wouldn't want your teacher to rush in class, and it'll be just as bad if you do that to yourself.
    • Get Some Sleep!
      • If you've been diligent about breaking up your stud The worst thing to do is to cram tons of review late at night, or in the morning of the exam. Staying up late may give more you time to study, but you'll likely forget most of the material if you don't get any sleep. Just like staying up late, studying early is also ineffective. At night our brains slowly 'shut down', and in the morning, (especially at our age) they take a long time to 'turn on'. Instead, make time to study after school, when the material is fresh in your mind. Then, try to relax the rest of the night, and get a good night's sleep. You'll feel great in the morning, and much more confident for the exams!
    • The Last Resort
      • There's always that one question on the final that we have ZERO idea about. First, just breathe; you haven't failed yet. If the answer doesn't come to mind relatively quickly, then go with your best guess. Obsessing over the question will only waste time, and leaving the answer blank will definitely be wrong.

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