Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Reflection of High School- Sophia Oelkers

Reflection of High School

Regarding the fact that finals are around the corner and sophomore year will be over in just a few short weeks, I feel that it would be appropriate to reflect upon yet another school year. Overall, the 2016-17 school year treated me well. I’m not going to sugar coat it...there was a lot of work, studying, and stress, but that is nothing new. I continued to do well in all of my classes and I branched out socially. However looking back, it all seems like a blur. Everything went by so fast and I've realized that it's only going to get faster. I know that next year I am really going to miss sophomore year because this was the year for students to just breathe. They are already accustomed to high school and went through the “trial and error process” freshman year. This was the year you could just float (you may be floating in a sea of schoolwork, but that's besides the point). Junior year is going to be a wake up call. We have to start preparing for the rest of our lives at age 17! Between AP classes, SAT’s, and college browsing there are going to be even more unexpected changes coming our way. My junior year will be the year that I will have to put in the most effort and dedication in order to achieve my goals. It will be tough and most of the time I’ll just want to throw all my work down, veg out and watch Netflix. I know many people can relate to this, but hang in there! After all, that is what senior year is for. I’m excited to have successfully gotten through another school year and hope to have a relaxing and enjoyable summer!

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