Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Used By Zoe Merold

He gave his heart away,
Thinking that it would be cherished and kept safe,
That it would be treasured and valued.
But it was crushed,
And he could no longer breathe.

He gave his heart away,
To someone he believed he could trust,
Someone he thought would always care for him.
But they tossed it away,
And tossed him away along with it.

He gave his heart away,
Believing it would reveal how much he loved them,
How much he wanted them to be happy.
But they were blind to his intentions,
And he faded away.

He gave his heart away,
Not knowing that it would be worth nothing to them,
That they couldn’t care less about why it was given to them.
But he had no way of taking it back,
And he grew to no longer want it back.

He didn’t need his heart,
For all it could do was allow him to feel more pain,
The pain of realizing how little he meant to someone he loved.
And he couldn’t afford to feel anything,
Or he would collapse and shatter.

He no longer had a heart,
And he no longer felt anything,
Except for the silent and heavy void in his chest.
So he smiled at them,
And let himself be used.

He didn’t care anymore. 

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