Monday, May 8, 2017

Reducing Stress During the Exam System by Lomaani Ranasinghe

As we approach the final stretch of sophomore year we are faced with AP exams, finals, and the anxiety of finishing the school year with satisfactory grades, life can get ultra stressful. I decided to share a few tips that help me get through the stress of exam season.

Sleeping is essential to getting through finals. Though I myself am just as big of a culprit to no sleep, on the rare occasion that I do get 8-9 hours, I feel amazing and can concentrate better the next day. Of course, with the loads of homework I get every night and my tireless music schedule, It gets harder and harder to get work done at a decent time while still getting a healthy amount of sleep.  That’s why naps are a true lifesaver!

Often we do not take the time to think about what we are eating, or we eat mindlessly. Eating the right foods is important for cell growth and energy. Plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein will get you through the rough days ahead. Eating small meals every 3 hours is optimal to keep you full and energized. If all else fails just eat a tub of ice cream!

Give sugary soda a break this exam season and see the benefits of water. Our bodies consist of around 70% water,  it’s crucial that we replenish often and keep hydrated. Dehydration leads to lack of concentration, which isn’t an ideal condition to find yourself in when trying to pass exams.

Deep, long breaths slow the heart rate down, bring down your blood pressure and relieve anxiety or the nervous feeling you have before an exam. Your hours of studying can wait, just take two minutes to breath and calm down!

Some students react very differently to different sounds. I find that opera, jazz, and classical music helps me to focus in a magical way. Mozart and Beethoven are great choices. Other students find that hard rock or heavy medal helps them focus, some claim that soothing water sounds helps. Whatever helps don’t forget to listen to the sounds you love during studying for that test. Music is so important to the brain, and there are thousands of studies to prove it.

Exercise and playing outdoors a few minutes a day can release endorphins that will immediately make you feel cheery. Now that spring and warmer weather is here, study outside!
Before you know it, the finals will be over and we can look forward to a carefree summer break. Put testing into perspective, as important as it is, this will not be your last test and you always have the chance of doing better next time. Be happy with working hard  and doing your best and whatever the outcome be prepared to be satisfied that you have done your best.

Good Luck!

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