Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A letter to my Allergies

by Nuriel Rozenberg

You sneak up on me in class and 
arrive at the most inconvenient times
Puffy eyes, 
runny noses, 
random bursts of coughing
I deal with a lot of people 
mistaking me for being sick
The tears in my eyes that form 
at the start of the day 
and continue through the evening
The constant sneezing
the lack of tissue boxes the school has--
it leaves me to scavenge through classrooms.
I would prefer to wake up 
ready for the day 
like people in commercials.
I did not sign up for the congestion, 
itchy eyes, 
throat irritation
I didn't choose the allergy life
The allergy life 
chose me
Image result for allergies

1 comment:

  1. Oh no- allergy season is so bad this year! Hang in there! ~ Mrs. Kopp
