Monday, May 22, 2017

School is the Source of my Stress by Natalie Earl

I wanted to talk about school and my opinions on certain things about schools in general, it almost seems like humans have a cycle of life they are supposed to go through with schooling. Later in your child years you must start going to school and each child has to qualify to move on to the next level of their education. So as humans the common way of living would be to go to school until you’re 17 or 18 years old usually, beyond those ages people decide if they would want to continue schooling in college or choose not to go at all. Our whole lives we must be worthy of each level of education, we have to get certain grades and pass certain classes. I don’t fully understand that because personally I know I will be going to college for a major that has to deal with science and math specifically. So can somebody, anybody tell me why it is important for me to be learning history? I am only a sophomore and I know what I am doing in life after the world of high school so I should be able to choose what classes I want to take in high school. The school wants the best education for me but it should be up to me to pick which course I would like to take to set up the rest of my life. It should be optional to take classes like history or science but I do agree that English and Math are key factors in everybody’s life.
Now that I have talked about the choices of school, I would like to move on and talk about the aspects of high school that make everything so stressful on a teenager. Most of the teenagers play a sport or musical instrument, volunteer, have a job, and/or anything else a teenager could be busy with that doesn’t have to deal with the education from school. Now I understand that teachers have the right to give tests, quizzes, homework, and/or projects but most teachers do not understand the struggle each student would be going through outside of their classes. Being a teenager should be fun still, we should be able to experience life and not be forced to get home from school and immediately have to be swamped with all their homework. The homework they have is not the only thing we have to do, there are other activities that we would like to do instead. I appreciate that the teachers give us homework to help us practice the concept of the class but at the same time I would like it to be a minimal amount because personally I know I do practice in school for each class. Being a teenager means that you must be heavily active with their education, although that is a great concept I believe that education will ruin mine and possibly a lot of other teenager’s lives. We will not be able to just be teenagers and experience life in it’s natural form, my life is based on my education. I wish that I could be capable to do other activities but I am too stressed to fit everything in my schedule.

I do not want to feel like I wasted my life on just learning and not trying new things that interest me. I am too focused on performing to a standard in school so that I can get into a college that suits me because after college I want to have a job that I love and makes an amount of money that can support me. School shouldn’t be my number one priority because it is important but I don’t want to regret focusing only on school and nothing else. I want to be able to volunteer more and be able to get a job without worrying that I can’t keep up with my school work. School is the cause of most teenager’s stress and I wish teachers gave us a break from giving us so much homework that is usually just busy work that isn’t important.

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me sad. I agree that you should have more free time to do things you love and that school is too overwhelming. What can we do to change this? How can we make this better for you? ~ Mrs. Kopp
