Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What is Power? By Rebecca Greenberg

For the past few days in our English class, we have been given the task to read the Lord of the Flies, and it has become obvious from the first few chapters, that the struggle for power will lead to the demise of all the boys on the island. All hell will break loose when the boys fight one another in order to assume complete and total power over the others. So in regards with this power topic, I thought I might express what power means to me...

What is Power?

Power is an idea that consumes
you and me
We often fight each other to allow
one of us to succeed
Power is the leech sucking the life
from our veins
You start out civilized then become
The desire to rule can overcome your mind
and leave an empty carcass behind
You thought your power was controlling
your peers
When in reality power has been controlling
you for years
Absolute power corrupts absolutely


  1. Well done! You ended with a quote that is so very true. ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. I love this poem. The idea of power controlling a person not vice versa is thought provoking and true. --Mr. Johnson
