Monday, March 13, 2017

Cortland Charming | By Kristine Le

I'll be honest and say that poetry isn't really my thing but I was thinking why not give it a try. So, I sat down and wrote this up. Enjoy :)

Your hazel eyes are all so welcoming
However, your smile pulls at my heart
The laughter from you is so inviting
Why must we be forever apart

Those wide open arms are my safe haven
All I wish is for them to consume me
If only you lived here in this nation
Not in the pages of my memory

Hopes, dreams, and wishes wonder in my head
Thoughts of us talking, smiling, laughing
My dreams stay dreams because your blood had shed
And now I am stuck forever crying

Stuck in my mind are the pictures of death
It was too soon for your final breath

Image result for sam cortland


  1. This is haunting to me. I'd love to know what inspired this poem. ~Mrs. Kopp

  2. Incredible poem, you access a whole range of emotions in just a few lines. Great debut, you're a poet. --Mr. Johnson
