Monday, March 20, 2017

Scientific Debates By Mrs. Kopp

During the last unit, students were required to choose groups and participate in a debate on a scientific topic.  This was prompted by our reading of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and the question of whether or not scientific advancement is always worth the risk that comes along with it. 

In order to perform well in this debate, students had to work together, conduct a good amount of research, and delve into a topic that they might otherwise be completely unfamiliar with.  Topics included GMOs, genetically modified embryos, animal testing, and the possibility of selling organs.  In addition to using research and collaboration skills, students were also able to flex their public speaking muscles in this verbal battle.  

When students were at the debate podiums, they were allowed to receive help from their teammates, but they could not speak to one another.  Many teams used the Google Doc chat feature to feed facts, direction, and encouragement to their teammates. 

In the end, every single team did a fantastic job!  They were well spoken, well researched, and determined to win! Plus, they looked very professional.  This is one of those assignments that takes so much work, but the benefits are amazing! I'm so proud of these kids! 

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