Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sophia Oelkers- Jack's Perspective In the Lord of the Flies

Crouched down in the dense trees of the jungle with a spear clenched in my hand sent shocks of pure adrenaline through my body. It was like a drug pumping into my veins, making me crave the kill. The humidity that consumed the atmosphere made beads of sweat trickle down my forehead and sting my fierce, hungry eyes. When I swiped the sweat away, the crimson red face paint smudged onto my animalistic hands. I couldn't focus on that though. All I could think about was the sow that would soon be dripping blood after plunging my spear through it’s filthy body. The sound of my deadly weapon tearing into her flesh would be music to my ears. I scoped every aspect of the lively jungle and each sound jerked my body, pushing me farther into attack mode. I chuckled under my breath at the mockery of boys behind me on the beach.This would be my moment to prove them wrong. To finally show Ralph that I am the real leader on this island. Fools, I spitted through my clenched jaw. Maintaining my stealth, I glided behind a tree like a sleek panther. “Snort snort snort!!”, the swine was close now. Mouth watering and heart pounding, I plummeted on top of my prey. I instantaneously slit her neck after her blood curdling squeal for help. As her hot blood spilled out onto my hands, an eerie silence filled the island. I was born to murder.


  1. What a chilling end to that. It's when Jack is finally callous to the ending of life that things begin to take a turn for the worse for the boys. --Mr. Johnson

  2. Such a haunting perspective. It's hard to put yourself into the shoes of a character that has already been developed! ~ Mrs. Kopp
