Thursday, March 23, 2017

Reading a Good Book | by Samantha Patino

Flipping through the pages
They are sharp-edged and crisp
Every word pressed into the paper with black ink
The smell wafting up fills you with calmness
As you are thrown into the magnificent story  

The world around you blurs
And all of a sudden you are
Fighting monsters, solving mysteries, and throwing magic spells
You are seated alongside the characters
Floating through their world
Page after page

Visiting magical lands
While laying sprawled across your room
Hearing the character’s voices
Watching them dance through your mind
And sometimes watching them fall to the ground

Feeling the pain that they experience
Expressing your happiness as they do
Being surprised at the change of events
Having tears roll down your face
As you grieve for the characters who have died

Closing the cover page
Resting the book on the shelf
Whispering “Goodbye” to your new found friends

And that
Is how you know
You are reading a good book

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem since I also love books and I can relate to the grieving over characters. Sometimes I have to just lay and breathe and let the book sink in. ~ Mrs. Kopp
