Thursday, February 16, 2017

What Honors classes have taught me. By Cameron Riley

My sophomore year so far has been demanding, as I have been placed in new Honors classes that I haven’t been in before. Gratefully, my teachers have assisted me through the year and challenged me to perform my best academically. I have now learned the difference between CP and Honors classes. There is far more information to learn, at a much faster pace, with tougher tests and strict grading systems.

CP classes teach students and challenge them, I am not saying they don’t, but Honors classes push it the extra mile and expect their students to go above and beyond. To award the student for being in a more difficult class, the school adds a GPA boost which is very nice and helpful for your future in applying to college. The US Department of Education referenced Honors classes saying “Studies have shown that the rigor of a student's high school curriculum is the single best predictor of success in college”(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, 2006).
Honors classes have changed the way I study, perform at school and how I plan ahead for the school week. For example, I find in my Honors math class, I need to practice daily to keep pace with the class. These classes have made me more aware of what is needed of me to succeed in school and beyond.

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