Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Voice- Poem by Melissa La Fountain

How frustrating it is
To have so much to say
But to be rendered silent
By a voice in your head

This voice and I
We are not friends
It tells me to be quiet
It forces me to believe I'm something I'm not

"You're shy. You're awkward. You always have been and always will be," it says.
Silence, that is what it wants.
But I don't want silence.
Not anymore.

I want to rip this voice from my head.
I want to tell it that it is the one who should be silent.
I am not shy. I am not awkward.
I will not be quiet anymore.


  1. I was always the quiet kid in school so this poem really worked for me. Let's speak up more! --Mr. Johnson

  2. Good girl - tell that voice in your head that you're done with it! You are amazing and we all want to hear more from you! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  3. Nothing good comes of being silent - keep using your voice and be confident it will be heard by someone.
