Friday, February 17, 2017


By Nuriel Rozenberg
I think we can all mostly agree that school can be challenging. Sure, we are learning new things and trying to keep up with the workload, but why do we make it so hard for ourselves? In every grade, there are the over-achievers, under-achievers, and everyone in between. For some, school comes more naturally than for others and while that's just human nature, each individual person takes schooling differently. There are the people that just aren't stressed while others are radiating worry and stress. We strive to be the greatest when we should instead strive to be the best version of ourselves. As students who are nervous for the future since it's coming so close, we should learn to accept who we are rather than striving to be someone we are not. School and life shouldn't be a competition because then you miss the little things that really make you appreciate life. I constantly get asked what I got on a test, what my GPA is, and even my class rank, but does comparing ourselves to others really help? I look at those numbers and I use it as motivation to make myself better and try to reach my goals. Everyone does what they can and comparing ourselves to each other can only stress us out more. Each and every one of us has tests, quizzes, and assignments for every class that we must complete. Instead of getting annoyed we should look at this as another obstacle to overcome. School and life are not going to get easier, we should try to take things a little lighter and maybe. just maybe will we feel a little less stressed.


  1. Albert Einstein said something along the lines of, "if you tell a goldfish to climb a tree it will spend the rest of its life believing it's stupid." --Mr. Johnson

  2. I agree with this post. Life if not a competition or a race. Enjoy your life in the way you want to and then you will be happy. ~ Mrs. Kopp

  3. I totally agree with you , you must only compete with yourself and all will be well.
