Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The History of Valentine's Day by Lomaani Ranasinghe

You may have observed by the explosions of pink and red decorations, walls of chocolate, and racks of cards, that yesterday was Valentine’s Day. Whether you were at home binge-watching romantic movies or out on a date with a loved one, the holiday of love is widely celebrated throughout many countries of the world. According to The National Retail Federation, Americans were expected to spend about 18 billion dollars for Valentine’s Day alone. Valentine’s Day may be popular, but not many may know the true origin of the holiday, and how it came to be so widely celebrated. I decided to act upon my curiosity, and took to the internet to find the most common legends about this special holiday. It is safe to say my discoveries were far from what I was expecting. So, grab your discounted chocolate and join me for the crazy adventure that is the history of Valentine’s Day!
Not unlike many holidays, Valentine’s Day is predicted to have originated from ancient civilizations. In this case, the Roman Empire. There are many different theories as to how Valentine's Day came to be. Historians predict that the holiday was named after St. Valentine. One legend begins during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. During his reign, it was believed that men made better soldiers when they didn’t have wives and children. Claudius eventually outlawed marriage due to this belief, to make what he thought to be better soldiers. The legend continues to explain how Valentine defied Claudius’s law and decided to wed young couples in secret. Once Claudius found out of Valentine's actions he ordered for Valentine’s execution on February 14. Following Valentine’s execution, it was decided that this day would honor the saint. It's rumored that this day wasn't necessarily  a celebration of love until the Middle Ages where it was believed that February 14 was the beginning of the bird mating season. How romantic!


Citations: Staff. "History of Valentine’s Day." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.


  1. Bird mating season! That cracked me up and I think it would ruin the romantic thoughts of some! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. Wow, what a nefarious prediction for the origin of a holiday that grouchy people see as a front for the greeting card and flower industry to make the big bucks. --Mr. Johnson

  3. What interesting facts! i wonder if the phrase "love birds" comes from the bird mating season as well. For me every day should be Valentine's day with the ones you love!

  4. What interesting facts! i wonder if the phrase "love birds" comes from the bird mating season as well. For me every day should be Valentine's day with the ones you love!
