Monday, February 13, 2017

Frankenstein's monster by Thomas Mortillaro

You called me
Frankenstein's monster
but was it not you who made me?
I wanted to love, to give, to cherish
yet you filled me with hatred
taught to take from the giving
to use, abuse
I saw and I learnt
Now I use, abuse
never give, only take
you called me cold, manipulative
yet you were the one whom I saw that way
you were the mentor, the teacher, the master
I followed your footsteps
learning faster and faster
now you lay on the pile of ice
and I stand above, looking through the glass eye
Image result for frankenstein mary shelley


  1. Thomas: very well written poem which really reflected the eloquence and sensitivity of the monster. He is definitely one of the more tragic characters in English literature. --Mr. Johnson

  2. This is an excellent poem! Very well done. You should submit this to Beginnings, the school's literary magazine! ~Mrs.Kopp
