Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fire Inside Her by Amanda Sangalli

I'll tell you why she made it. It had nothing to do with an easy road. It wasn't because she got a few lucky breaks, and some good opportunities. No. That girl made it because she never quit. Never. She knew exactly what she wanted. And she kept those eyes and that heart focused on just that. She never made a place in her life for the haters and non-believers. She refused to accept that what she wanted wasn't within her reach. That girl took a million miles and kept walking. She made it because her heart never got tired. It housed a take. Or diminish. And the world tried- oh, did it try. But the fire inside her always burned brighter than the fire around her. It was that simple. And that beautiful.


  1. This needs to be put to epic music. What an awesome, energizing piece. "Beginnings" is accepting flash fiction submissions and I think this would be perfect. --Mr. Johnson

  2. Amanda - I LOVE this. I want to print it and hang it up and I think I will! Well done! ~ Mrs. Kopp
