Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Surprising Effect of The "Pedal Desk'

The Surprising Effect of The "Pedal Desk'
By Pat McGurrin

Lets start with what the 'Pedal Desk' is.

The Pedal Desk is a normally sized desk, with a a full size exercise bike built in. Unlike most exercise bikes though, the Pedal Desk is completely silent, so that no students are distracted. It may seem as though it would be hard to multitask doing work and pedaling all at a desk, but research shows that this actually helps.

Although some students may find Mrs. Kopp's English class very enjoyable, others may find that they are bored and are unable to retain information- this is where the Pedal Bike comes in. Maren Schmidt-Kassow, a professor at the Institute of Medical Psychology at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, has done numerous studies on the topic, and has theorized that, "Light-intensity exercise will elicit low but noticeable levels of psychological arousal...".  This 'psychological arousal' allows students to 'switch-on' their brains, and, in essence, 'trick' their brains into learning. 

This new learning device may be the answer for struggling students- not just in English class, but in all classes. Exercising while working may seem strange to most, but it could be a feasible solution for you.


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