Thursday, October 6, 2016

Monsters by Zoe Merold

There are things out there in the dark,
Lurking among the shifting shadows.
You’re the only one who can see them,
Looking in from outside your windows.

Sometimes in the mirror,
You can descry the grim creatures.
They’ll be staring right back at you,
In only an instantaneous flicker.

And in that instant of a moment,
When your eyes meet theirs,
Their hisses and growls will flood over you.
You’ll be held frozen by their hateful glares.

They are cruel and evil beings,
These creatures found in darkness.
They force you to listen to their wicked words.
They enjoy their vile awfulness.

Do you recognize them yet?
You know these tormentors so well.
They are very good friends of yours,
Residing within your personal prison cell.

There’s a reason you can never shut them out,
No matter how hard you try.
They’re in a place you can’t ever escape.
They are always close by.

They don't hide in your closet,
Or watch you through your mirror.
They don't creep in the musty crypt below.
Is it becoming any clearer?

You’d think the monsters would be in these places,
Or even beneath your bed.
But you’d be wrong to think so,
For these monsters are different.

They are inside your head.


  1. Zoe this poem was chilling! You did an excellent job and I love that you included your own drawing. A perfect way to start the creepy month of October!

  2. You made me feel fear and chill and that is what a good writer can do.Perfect feelings for Halloween!
