Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Girl on the Train Summary by Amanda Sangalli

The Girl on the Train is not only one of the new top movies, it also is an amazing book. Paula Hawkins tells the story from three different perspectives; Rachel, Megan, and Anna. Rachel is portrayed as a train wreck basically. She does not have a job but rides the train everyday pretending her life is how it used to be before her husband cheated on her and her life became consumed by alcoholism. While on the train she passes a couple and their house everyday and she becomes attached to them. She names this couple 'Jess and Jason'. In reality Jess and Jason are really Megan and Scott who live down the street from Tom (Rachel's ex husband) and his new wife Anna. Megan babysits for Anna and she is seen as the perfect person to Anna, although Megan is hiding a secret from Anna. She is having an affair with Anna's husband Tom. One day on the train Rachel witnesses Megan (Jess) kissing another guy and decides she has to tell her husband. However, it turns out that Megan goes missing and later on you find out she was murdered!  Rachel tries to team up with Anna (who hates Rachel for previously being with her husband) and tries to solve the mystery of who killed Megan. Because Megan and Tom he is a primary suspect and is later on arrested for the murder of Megan. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and it left me wanting to keep reading more.

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