Sunday, October 30, 2016

Quote Review by Natalie Earl

Quote: "Overthinking the process will kill any career in the creative space. You just have to do, not think." -Casey Neistat

I was simply scrolling on social media and saw this quote, this caught my eye because I am someone who overthinks a ton. Thinking about something is care free and it is harmless but once you go into detail about every possible outcome it becomes intense and harmful to your mind. In school for most students it is impossible to not overthink about your career and how your grades will affect you in the future. School is one factor of life that is most stressful and to overthink about work makes it ten times worse because now you know what can go wrong. So many factors of life give a negative feature but I have learned that I cannot let this affect me. Homework, tests, and quizzes give a lot of students stress and that causes them to become worried about their life. Overthinking is almost like quick sand, you are fine one moment but in a second you become trapped in your own thoughts and cannot escape them. Do not let overthinking kill your creative space and just do what you think is right because this is your life and I believe that you should just live life and not worry about the minor details.


  1. This is an issue for many of us! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. If i want to do a good job i usually overthink things too and then go back to my initial insticts when i started a project. When we get a project or home work our minds our fresh and thats when we do our best thinking right?
