Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Book review by: The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

Book review: The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
Rate: 9/10
By Sophie Venus
This is good book if you like action and adventure. It takes place in today's time where a disease infects all children. Those who survive get special abilities and according to how dangerous their abilities are they are sorted into colors. When Ruby survives she is one of the most dangerous ones, an orange. This book tells her journey as she tries to survive the harsh world that has set out to make sure no one like her survives. I give this book a 9/10 because it is a very good read but I think if the author had told it from other characters perspectives along with Ruby it would make it even better. Overall I think this book is really interesting and I couldn't stop reading it.


  1. I just ordered this book for our classroom library! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. My daughter read this too and loved it!
