Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Book Review: Rumble Fish by Dylan Mazzella
    Written by the author of The Outsiders, the novel Rumble fish is the story of characters that show similar traits to the “Greasers” in The Outsiders. The characters are similar in the way they conduct themselves, the way they speak, and the actions they make. One notable difference between this book and The Outsiders is that the “bad guys” in this story are not anything like the “Socs,” they are just rival greasers, though the term “greaser” is not used in Rumble Fish. The main character, Russell James, who went by the nickname “Rusty James,” told the story as a series of flashbacks, from the point of view of an adult talking about his teenage days.
    In terms of themes, the conclusion of Rumble Fish may be confusing to the reader. The book was entitled Rumble Fish, which made no sense until the last chapter, where Russell James’ brother, who went only by the name “the motorcycle boy,” was found in a pet store, staring at fish that were kept in different tanks, and when Russell James asked him about why they were kept separate, The motorcycle boy told Russell James that they were “rumble fish” and would kill each other if put together. At the end, The Motorcycle boy lets the fish out in a river, and ends up having the cops called on him, the book ends with a chase. The conclusion of the story leaves the reader with the implied theme that violence solves nothing, as the teenagers have been making violent actions throughout their lives.

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