Sunday, October 2, 2016

Book Review: Fahrenheit 451

Book Review: Fahrenheit 451
By Nick Matkiwsky

Currently I'm reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and I recommend this book for anybody who is interested in classic science fiction novels. Fahrenheit 451, takes place in a futuristic world, where technology controls every aspect of life. The main character, Guy Montag, is a fireman who instead of putting out fires, sets books ablaze for a living. Since technology is used to do everything in life, even thinking, books have been deemed to be the source off all discord and unhappiness in the world. Throughout the book, Guy begins to change and realize that their is something wrong with the job he has. If your someone who is interested in internal battles that lead to change in an individual, then this is a perfect story for you.

Ray Bradbury jumps right into this story and it caused me a lot of confusion in the beginning. In order to make sense of the abrupt start, I found myself reading and rereading the first few pages. However as I kept reading, I realized that the author began this way for a reason. The more I read, the more the plot began to make sense and I discovered that this book requires you to look deeply to find the important messages and themes. Bradbury inspires the idea that if you truly believe in something, then its worth the risk to try to obtain your goals. Overall, I say this is a pretty solid book and is relatively short so it wont take you too much time to read. I give this book a 7 out of 10


  1. I saw the movie based on this book a while back and thought it was very interesting. After reading your review, maybe I'll finally read the book, it sounds pretty good.

  2. When you first described the setting of this book as, " a futuristic world where technology controls every aspect of life," I felt as if you were describing our current world. That's creepy and scary!
