Friday, January 20, 2017

Would the Head Transplant Work? (William Theilacker)

Recently we discussed the idea of a head transplant that would be performed by Dr. Sergio Canavero. But putting ethics aside for now, would a head transplant really work? Dr. Canavero doesn't really provide any research to support his claim that it's possible. He predicted that the head transplant has a 90% success rate, yet there's only two prior experiments that could support this claim, and neither was a complete success. One of these is experiment was repairing the partially injured spinal cord on a dog, however it was never said how badly the dogs spinal cord was damaged so the evidence of it being fixed and the dog regaining movement is still supportive of Dr. Canavero but it doesn't really prove that a fully severed spinal cord could be repaired. The other experiment a monkey received a head transplant and it was partially successful. The monkeys blood vessels were successfully connected to those in the body that the head was attached to, however the spinal cord was never reattached or repaired in the monkey so it isn't really supportive of a head transplant being successful. And scientifically there is no evidence supporting that a head transplant could ever be done. I asked a biology teacher in the school, Kenneth Scognamiglio, what he thought about the head transplant. Mr. Scognamiglio said that he didn't think it was possible because we haven't even gotten to repairing partially damaged spinal cords in human so that they regain a full range of motion again. Many people who are paralyzed may never move that part of their body again or have very limited movement. There is also the idea of how the brain would respond to an entire body that isn't recognized as self. For just one organ, the recipient has to be on immuno-suppressants for life. We don't know how severely the brain would react to an entire body. Overall there isn't enough experiments or scientific evidence to show that we're anywhere close to performing a head transplant.


  1. I recommend that you pick up the book Stiff by Mary Roach and read the chapter on head transplants--fascinating. Actually, I recommend that you read the entire book...funny and informative look at what happens to our bodies when we no longer need them.

  2. I'm glad you asked a science expert his opinion! Why are they pushing this if it may not work? ~ Mrs. Kopp
