Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Soldier's Melody- a Picture Prompt by Stephanie Downes

         The wind was rustling through the bare trees on the evening that I saw her. Two years, hundreds of lonely nights, and thousands of gunshots it had been since I had last seen my love. On this particular night, I ventured out into the desolate woods to clear my mind. Suddenly something caught my eye. An object of beauty in the darkness and emptiness of the woods. I approached the ethereal instrument, examining the light that shone on it through the branches of the trees. I ran my fingers along the worn out ivory and black keys. Where did this come from? How long has it been sitting here, abandoned, lonely? Almost as an instinct, my fingers began to press down on the keys. I heard a beautiful melody that had not grazed my ears in so long.  It was the melody that my wife and I used to play together. I closed my eyes and let my senses enjoy the moment of nostalgia and beauty. It was only when the last chord was played and the melody was over that I opened my eyes and saw her; my love. She was standing in front of me, like a figment of my imagination- yet I knew she was real. She just had to be. I hesitantly moved towards her. She still looked as beautiful as ever. I heard distant yelling and crunching footsteps approaching rapidly. I began to run. The yelling got louder and the footsteps closer. I reached out my arms, longing to hold her...



She appeared once more. This time, she was the one reaching for me. I was enveloped into her warmth, and we flew up into the clouds together. I was safe, and the melody began to play once again.
Image result for soldier piano


  1. I love this picture and the haunting words you wrote about it! Well done! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. It is interesting how a picture can evoke so many different ideas. I like your story.
