Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My Opinions on Student Led Discussions by Natalie Earl

Before starting this I would like to say that in my opinion student led discussions are important to teach the students. I would also like to voice my opinion on how it is difficult for some students to create a strong voice in this situation called a student led discussion. I am one of the students that have some questions to provide the group and some facts that I found interesting on the certain topic being discussed but I just am unable to speak out. I would like to offer some suggestions to help the students that have trouble getting their time in this discussion.
An idea that I thought would help and wouldn't be difficult to do would be having smaller groups when there is discussions so there is a chance for people to speak more. The teacher would have trouble coming around to each group most likely but I thought it would be a good idea to just record each discussion so that everything can be heard by the teacher. Another helpful part to this idea is that the people that are uncomfortable to talk in big groups will be able to pick there group so this makes them feel more comfortable with speaking in front of their group.
I have seen in the student led discussions how the people who finally get a chance to speak are soft spoken so another student might have a louder voice so they speak over them. The process is difficult to discuss a topic without the teacher helping by choosing who gets a turn to speak each time. Student led discussions are helpful for the students to learn how to communicate their ideas but it would be easier on the people that cannot get a chance to speak to have a smaller group. I have also realized that due to the way the students arrange themselves around the room makes it challenging to get a chance to speak. Most of the people that do not speak out are on the outside of the classroom so the conversation will stay in the center in a smaller group. I agree that student led discussions are important but I would like to change how it is organized because I know it should be challenging but it makes me and other students that are soft spoken to fell uncomfortable.


  1. These are some great points and ideas for improvement! Thank you for sharing your opinion and ideas. We will have a variety of discussion formats, but lets also talk about other ways you can get involved in a whole class student led discussion! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. I know how you feel, i always have great ideas swimming in my head , but most often i am overshadowed by louder voices and stay quiet ! sometimes softer spoken or shy students have the best ideas or points.
