Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The positives of Student Teachers in the classroom By Cameron Riley

For most of my life in school, I haven’t had a student teacher help students and teach us in class with the main teacher. Other classes in elementary and middle school had a student teacher, but I was never put in one of those classes. So I was very interested to learn that there was a student teacher coming into our English class to do their requirements to one day become a teacher. I researched the topic of student teachers and found mostly positives about having these teachers in the classroom for the student and the teacher.
People who go through the student teacher program are trying to receive a Bachelor of Education or Master of Education degree in college. This experience can prepare them for the teaching stage at whatever grade they assist in teaching for a one or two week period. Maria Sweeney a curriculum coordinator in Chicago asked student teachers in her district about what they had gained attribute wise. Attributes such as focusing on their own teaching skills, being aware of communication in the classroom and a better understanding of the role of a teacher.
Students can also benefit from this experience, the student teacher is a student in college and has more knowledge of technology than maybe some other teachers do. Technology is now a modern day tool to try and teach young students by having them get used to modern day technology. Students also can learn what the experience of becoming a teacher is about and have a spark of interest in the job later in life.
Overall, student teachers have a great effect on the classroom and the process is beneficial for both the teacher and student.
Image result for student teachers

1 comment:

  1. I agree that student teachers, teachers, and students can benefit from the student teaching experience. I think we will all see this in the upcoming months! ~ Mrs. Kopp
