Thursday, November 17, 2016

Poem- Sophia Oelkers

Padlock Heart

Her heart beat no longer had a rhythm
Two birds of a feather no longer flocked
It abandoned her for it’s next victim
Her shattered heart- now an iron padlock

Suddenly, his hushed presence caught her eye
His hopeful, tender words pacified her
“My darling here is a sholder to cry,
You will seek destined, true love soon, I'm sure.”

She was tense, petrified to love again
For she knew every love typically parts
But now, she felt yearning love- more than friends
He possessed the key to her padlock heart

Stronger than two birds bound to flock as doves.
Little did she know, they found their true loves’.


  1. I do like the title of the poem. I am glad the girl in the poem took a chance again on love!

  2. I love reading your poetry! ~ Mrs. Kopp
