Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dylan Mazzella current event

Blog Post: New Zealand Earthquake
    Aside from human impacted events in our world, such as the presidential election, and foreign affairs. There is still the natural effects that the world needs to deal with. In New Zealand, several powerful earthquakes have struck New Zealand's south island. Aside from damage caused directly from the earthquakes, such as building that have fallen, and roads that have split, a tsunami was formed, leaving at least two dead.
Events like this are truly eye opening, showing that natural affairs can be just as deadly if not more deadly than human driven affairs. The election in the United States has been the talk of every News channel and even household conversations, but events like this are where attention needs to be. Individuals need to unify and move past these natural disasters, of course, but first, individuals need to unify and move past human driven topics, not only in the United States, but in all of the rest of the world.


  1. I agree - there are so many things in this world that we need to focus on! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. I agree with you , over this past few weeks we hardly saw covereage of the devastating hurricane that hit Haiti again this past September, people are still homeless and suffering yet all we saw on the media was the elections. It seems sometimes we have lost our human - ness, but i belive given the chance we all rise to the occasion when disaster strikes.
