Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day by Jessica Longstreth

This is the end of the wait,
but uncertainty looms no matter the path.
Today marks the end of this great blood bath.
Is this the end of the hate?

Today we decide our fate.
Will it be enough to heal the divide,
or is it impossible to put our differences aside?
Surely many will be irate.

Who will say "checkmate"?
Will the runner-up be content?
Will they sit there in contempt?
All these questions bear their weight.

At least the end is near for this debate.
For months and months it trudged along,
its angry presence forever prolonged;
always there to frustrate.


  1. It will certainly be an interesting day.... ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well written verse, I am so glad this week is behind us !
