Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Ohio State by Amanda Sangalli

I sat in French class and phone started buzzing. I glanced down and saw my mom texted be three times. As I read the messages my heart dropped. "There was a shooter at Ohio State today right across the street from your brothers building." On November 28, a Somali refugee drove their car onto the sidewalk and then proceeded to get out and swing at people with a machete (There was a gun on him but he did not use it). I texted my brother Matt asking if he was okay and what had gone on and he told me he was getting ready to leave for class when he got the lock down alert. Now a days school shootings have become a reoccurring thing for us. From Sandy Hook to Columbine, massive school shoots seem to be happening left and right. As a student, it is unsettling to hear all about all these accounts especially when they happen close to you or by someone you know. Going into school everyday I never have the thought "What if we have a shooter today" and that question should never cross my mind. Terrorism has been presenting itself more frequently and kids growing up now a days are forced to live in fear. These school shootings and attacks are not only scaring kids/ students, it is scaring parents to the point where they don't want their kids to leave the house. My mom now has been on edge about my brother, my sister and I going to school or leaving the house just because of my brother coming so close to experiencing this first hand.  Had this happened a few minutes later, my brother would've been caught between Watts Hall (the engineering building) and the business building where his class was.

1 comment:

  1. Such a very scary situation and I agree, we should never be afraid to go to school. I'm glad that your brother and his classmates are okay. ~ Mrs. Kopp
