Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Reading Slumps 101 | By: Kristine Le

The infamous reading slump-- a moment in time where a reader cannot find it within themself to pick up that book that is just calling out to them to be read. The causes of this condition have not yet been determined however, it is a very real thing and I’m here to inform all my fellow readers on how to survive and push past the infamous reading slump.

Tip #1: Avoid Netflix at all costs
Netflix is a reading slumps best friend. It further pushes you away from all your lovely books waiting to be read and instead fuels you with this undying need to watch all five seasons of Switched at Birth. Now, what was once your reading time, now becomes replaced with your Netflix obsession. So, if you ever find yourself in the beginning stages of a reading slump do yourself a favor and delete the Netflix app from all of your devices.

Tip #2: Surround yourself with books
In cases like this, I feel that surrounding yourself in books is the perfect way to jump start the reading craze. Just simply being around them and admiring the beauty of each cover will remind you that you love books and wish to read them all. Also, just as a side note, who can walk out of a bookstore satisfied knowing that they are leaving all those pretty books on the shelves without taking one home with them.

Tip #3: Pick up a book that you know you’ll love
Even in your worst of times when you really just do not have it in yourself to pick up that book that you know you’ve been dying to read, try picking up a book that you know you’ll enjoy and read that first. It will help pull you back into the reading world and make you want to read again. With that you’ll be ready to attack your “to be read” pile will full force.

Tip #4: Talk to your other book-loving friends
One of my absolute favorite things to do when it comes to reading is talking about the books I have read or am reading with the people around me. It always put a smile on my face when someone shares the same love, or hate, for a particular book because it creates a bond between us and the book and it’s just a lovely feeling. So, my point being is that talking about books with others and seeing what books they have read and what they recommend for you to read can really "re-spark" your desire to pick up a new book. Sometimes, the best way to get back into reading is by hearing others swoon about books.

Tip #5: Go to a bookish event

This tip, for the most part, combines all the above tips into one. At a bookish events you are surrounded by other readers, tons of books and special guests such as authors and booktubers. Really putting yourself into the bookish community will for sure kill any reading slump you may be having. Think about it, imagine meeting one of your favorite authors and then not going home immediately to open up one of their books. Personally, I just think that would be impossible for me. Sidenote: as bookish events can be hard to come by if you’re new to the whole bookish community, just to give a little heads up there is an upcoming book festival in New York called ‘Teen Book Festival.”

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