Monday, April 3, 2017

Excerpt from The Battle for Magic by William Theilacker (Disclaimer - This is fairly old)

The crisp air rushed past my head as I raced down the slope towards a bear. It turned it's head to glare at me and I froze. As it turned back to it's meal I slowly loaded my sling with a glistening pebble .I hit in the leg and it fell stunned. Relief flooded through me as it lay there motionless. I quickly finished it off with a second shot to the neck. I had been tracking it for five days while living on fish from a nearby pond. The lush green forest around me felt like home. I turned around but was blasted back by a fire inferno. I summoned magic to stop the inferno from injuring me. “Ricker!” I yelled. A blue field of light covered me in a half globe shape. Fire rushed over my blue force field as fast as the wind. I pushed forward towards the source. It only seem to get stronger towards center the as I went on though. Finally I saw the source, it was a fire ghoul. It dived at me and cracks appeared in my field of light. “Berit” I yelled. As soon as the word left my mouth green light shot from my fingertips. The ghoul got blasted back forty feet and slammed into a tree. Suddenly the ghoul turned to dust and vanished. I raced through the woods towards my house. I froze as I heard the flapping of wings and quickly looked above me and saw my giant falcon. It landed next to me on the soft muddy ground. I climbed up onto it’s saddle. A burst of air almost knocked me off the saddle when we took off. “Faster Fal!” I yelled over the roaring wind. We rocketed past trees, lakes, and even over an ocean!
About thirty minutes later my tiny hut came into view. Fal landed elegantly behind my wooden cottage. I rushed inside to see what the fire ghoul had done. The contents were picked through as if the ghoul had been looking for something. Suddenly smelt smoke and ran to my room and found that it was burning up. The smoke blurred my vision and made my eyes water. The fire raged through across the room in a confusing pattern. The fire ghoul fire had hypnotizing effect that I could hardly withstand.“Verting” I cried in agony. Water launched out of my palms and fought a miniature battle with the fire. Steam flew up and the fire sizzled, popped, and hissed. Where had Fal’s son and my parent gone? Then the terrible truth hit me as i saw two bodies in the corner. Someone had taken Fal’s son and killed my parents.. I rushed outside to tell Fal the terrible news about his son, but before I could tell him I fell to the ground in heap on the ground from the shock of it all. Fal laid by my side and waited until I was feeling better. Then he slowly stood up and  started getting ready to fly. That’s when I decided to tell Fal about his son As I told Fal the grim news the memory of me first feeling Fal’s son came to my mind. I suddenly remembered how light he felt for his size when I picked him up. How soft his feathers were and the beautiful designs on his wings.

Fal cried out in agony as I finished telling him about his stolen son. With two gigantic leaps Fal cleared the village and then flew off into the clouds. I desperately called his name but he would not return to the smoldering house. After an hour of calling my throat was sore and my mouth was dry so I sat on the grass and passed the time by watching my house go from a fierce fire to pitch black ashes. Soon I heard the flap of wings and a low screech. I knew that Fal was near and that he was probably watching me with his observant eyes. Instead of trying to call Fal again, I just sat and let the warm sun lull me to sleep. In my dreams I was Fal’s son. I didn’t know where I was but it seemed like some type of underground castle. I could tell this because of the damp musty smell that filled the room. I started to walk forward, when I was flung backwards by some invisible force field inside the cell bars. A man walked into my vision and injected a metallic colored liquid into my body. I suddenly felt very nauseous and then I passed out on the ground.


  1. I enjoyed the sensory detail that you added! When did you write this (since you said it's fairly old?) ~ Mrs. Kopp

    1. I believe I wrote this around 7th or 8th grade, I'm not 100% sure though.
