Friday, December 2, 2016

What Is Love? By Bailey Kellenberger

         As a child, our parents are our world. They are our first example of love. We attach ourselves to their hips from such a young age, but as we grow and develop we start to steer more towards independence. We still love our parents but we no longer depend on their love to get us through the day although our parents continue to love us the same way whether we are two years old or twenty years old. For a parent, this is extremely difficult. They want to hold their baby, cuddle with them, protect them, and love them the way the always did for so many years while their child was still afraid of shadows in their closets and monsters under their beds. A parent's love is unconditional which only causes their hearts to ache more as they watch their pride and joy grow so far apart from them.
           Whether you are talking about love between strangers or the love between family members, the truth remains the same. Love causes pain, heartbreak, and destruction but it brings you the most happiness, comfort, and security. Without love, without this feeling that takes control over your mind and body, there is no force pushing and turning the world around. Love never fails. Love never perishes and never falls. Love will survive any war waged against it, it will make a way through any obstacle, will move mountains if it has to, all in maintaining its existence. Love is not going away.

Question for my readers:
How could I improve the selected writing above?

1 comment:

  1. What you write here is very true. Suggestions? I'd like to hear more personal anecdotes as examples of love. ~ Mrs. Kopp
