Thursday, December 8, 2016

My Essay On Music by Stephanie Downes

In class, students were recently asked to write an expository essay. The essay could be defining a word, categorizing different groups, or classifying a concept. I chose to write a definition essay on music. My objective was to make the reader understand my passion and love for all types and variations of music. In my essay I wrote;
There's one language that everyone in the world speaks fluently; music. No matter who you are, what your background is, or what you stand for, it can be expressed melodically. That begs the question: what is music? Music is powerful. It has the power to bring people together, it has the power to let us express ourselves , and it has the power to make us feel.
Throughout the essay I explained my own definition of music. I went on to explain that it was a powerful tool that was used all over the world to send messages, bring people together, and  bring us joy and hope.

Overall, I enjoyed this assignment because it gave my classmates and I the freedom to show off not only our writing skills, but our personalities as well. It was an enjoyable experience to be able to write about something that I really care about.
Image result for music sheet


  1. I agree with you that Music is a universal language and without it the world would be very quiet.
