Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Student's Favorite Things About Christmas - Josie Embleton

      Christmas is just around the corner, and many students are excited for this holiday. I would like to find out what people are the most excited about, so I am going to ask a few students what their favorite things are.  Of the students that were interviewed, one of the most common answers were waking up on Christmas morning. I believe this is an important aspect of Christmas because after the whole holiday season it's exciting when the day finally comes. This leads into the next common answer  of the Christmas season. Many students' favorite thing about Christmas is the buildup of the Christmas season. This time is filled with holiday treats, cookies, lights, Christmas trees, shopping, and many other exciting things, so it is understandably one of the most common answers to this question. Another answer that many students said is spending time with family. This is a very important aspect of Christmas and many people's favorite thing. This holiday offers a time for everyone to come together and enjoy each other's company. The last common answer is the food that comes along with Christmas. Everybody loves cookies, chocolate, pies, ham, potatoes, and so much more, and it is definitely one of the most common favorite things about this holiday! With so much to look forward to during Christmas time, these are the most common student favorites.  


  1. Sounds like everyone is ready for a fun holiday and break! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. My favorite thing is to spend the extra time with the family and watch holiday movies like Elf, Christmas Carol, how the Grinch stole christmas.
