Thursday, September 22, 2016

Personal Story - My First Horse by Josie Embleton

      On July 21 I was sad. I was sad because July 21 was the day that the horse that I loved was going back to his owner. I got this horse on a trial for one week and July 21 was the last day of the trial. My parents didn't wan't to pay for a lease on a horse, and that was the only way he could stay. He was a beautiful, large, chestnut, Dutch Warmblood horse. He was very kind and forgiving if I made a mistake during a riding lesson. On July 21, the horse, who was named Splash, was in his stall as I walked into the barn. I put a saddle and bridle on and walked out to the ring. Once I was on Splash, I felt happy. Whenever I'm on a horse I forget everything going on outside of the ring. Even though he was going back after that ride, I wanted to have an amazing last ride. So Splash and I had a wonderful, peaceful, and relaxing ride. As I walked back to the barn, I felt the gloomy sadness again. I had realized that my last ride on this perfect horse was over. I got off and walked into his stall, pulled the saddle off and took the bridle off. I began to groom him. This horse loved to be groomed, every time I brushed his neck, he would lean in and rock back and forth, thoroughly enjoying it. This did lift my spirits as it is very amusing. As I was brushing Splash, my mom arrived and sat down in the couches outside. Shortly after my mom arrived, my dad did too. I began to get a little bit suspicious that something was going on. In fact, I was slightly worried something bad happened. My mom, my riding coach, and my dad walked up to Splash's stall. As I was just finishing grooming Splash my mom asked me to stand next to him so she could take a picture. She raised her phone to take the picture and my dad and trainer did too. I smiled, and my trainer said "Don't you love this horse!" I replied with of course. (although I thought she kind of rubbed some salt in the wound considering he was going back that day) Then my mom exclaimed "I hope you love him, because he's yours for six months!" It took me a couple of seconds to process. When it finally did, I hugged my new horse, and burst into tears. I had never felt as strong of a connection with a horse as I did with this one. I walked out of the stall and hugged my mom, dad, and trainer, without my trainer we would never have found this horse. July 21 was by far one of, if not the best day of my life. It was the day I got my very own leased horse.


  1. Thank you for sharing this sweet story! I've never ridden a horse - maybe I should try it one day!

  2. I've been meaning to comment on this because I can really relate -- I have horse too.
