Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Book Review: Neil Gaimen's Never where by Natalie Earl

The book was fiction, it interested me how Neil Gaiman came up with a book story about rat-speakers and a London Above or London Below. The story was so out of the ordinary and I was fascinated by the different type of characters, there was a Hunter, Royals like Door and her family, Angels, velvets, and so many more different characters. The story had murder and adventure, every chapter I read had more drama and suspense then the last. I wish Neil Gaiman went into more detail about Anesthesia being taken away, it was a quick explanation that I did not understand that well. I wanted to know more about Richard's love interest because it seemed at many situations in the book that Richard and Door felt something for each other. One part of the book I adored was how Richard won the key and that he was able to go to London Aove or Below if he wanted to at any time. It was a  perfect idea to add in the end that Richard was going insane because he didn't know if London Below was real. The homeless person on the street in London Above was scared of Richard because he was ranting on about wanting to go back to London Below and I thought that it was intriguing to see how badly Richard missed the life in London Below. The book is one of my favorites and I didn't expect to like the book as much as I did, the idea for the book was creative and I loved to read Neil Gaimen's book. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you liked the book! I agree about Anesthesia - I also wished that we learned more about her as she was a kind character!
