Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Is the Flex Classroom preferred by Students? By Stephanie Downes

Recently, Mrs. Kopp integrated a "flex classroom" into her Honors English 10th grade classes. I interviewed Sophie Venus and surveyed students to see if this class environment is preferred.

Q- What are some factors that you like about the flex classroom so far?
A (Venus)- I like that we have class discussions on Mondays and Tuesdays and then we can put what we have learned to use throughout the week. I also like that I am able to work at my own pace and collaborate with my classmates to get my work done. Lastly, I like that we have the freedom to manage our assignments while still getting help and mentoring from Mrs. Kopp. 

Q-What do you not like about the flex classroom system?
A- Overall, I enjoy it. However, I understand that some students may find it overwhelming or stressful at times. In addition to this, working in an open classroom can be distracting for students. 

Q- How does your experience with the flex classroom compare to those of your past English classes?
A- It is an overall less stressful environment. I tend to work better in a class rather than at home with distractions, so I like that we have time in class to work on our assignments and manage our time better. 

Q- Lastly, if you were to change one thing about the flex classroom, what would it be?
A- I really like this system, so I would just want more furniture to make our working and free-reading days more comfortable and relaxed! 

I also surveyed the class, asking them if they liked the flex classroom. 21 students said yes, while only 3 said no. However, many of the students added that although they like the new classroom environment as a whole, it has its drawbacks. Students remarked that all of the assignments at one time can get a little overwhelming an stressful at times. Overall, the flex classroom proves to be a success so far, and hopefully as the year goes on we will all adapt to this new way of learning!
Image result for comfortable classroomPicture taken from


  1. Great idea to conduct an interview and survey! I hope that the flex classroom feels less overwhelming as the year goes on. I think we'll all continue to adjust to it!

  2. This was very interesting. I liked being able to read my classmate's opinions.
